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Private Implant Lessons by Dr. Grant Selig


Private Implant Lessons is an opportunity for you to expand your knowledge and practice of implant dentistry under the direct mentorship of Dr. Grant Selig, Board Certified by the American Board of Oral Implantology, in your office.  This unique method of didactic and live surgical instruction provides you with a “home court advantage” by having a Chairside coach in your own office.  You have the ability to practice on your own patients, in your own practice with your own support staff, who learn just as you do.  No travel is necessary, and you collect your own procedural fees, eliminating the prospective costs that usually accompany such education and instead results in profitability for your own practice.

It is like a private golf lesson, where you get to decide the topics on which you want to learn, from basic implant placement to advanced surgical, bone grafting, and complex implant placement.

”Now consider this...Have you gone to a weekend class only to come home and not have the confidence you had while attending the class?
We all know everyone has the best intentions of using what they have learned and purchased at a course, but become reluctant to use and frustrated when they get back to the office. For some, taking the extra time to participate in a hands-on-course, the added expense for the instruction and related travel, along with loss of chair time, can only serve to compound the situation.
Wouldn't it be nice to have the class come to you AND have the instructor, a colleague, right there to guide you every step of the way?
How impressed would your patients be to know you have an expert right over your shoulder?”
dr. Grant Selig

Contact dr Selig directly:
Email: jawsrusdds@yahoo.com
Phone: +1.702.622.4781

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