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Management of a post-extraction socket in the aesthetic area with a Prama RF implant

Luongo R., Colella L.

Luongo R.

Colella L.

A 35-year-old Caucasian patient suffered a 1.1 fracture due to a motorcycle accident. The incident resulted in a horizontal compound fracture of the dental element that was temporarily splinted to the adjacent teeth. Then the treatment plan included the extraction of the 1.1 with the simultaneous insertion of a post-extraction Prama RF implant and prosthetic rehabilitation with a crown and metal-free abutments.
“The use of a Prama RF implant has allowed me to preserve the bone and gingival volumes that I managed to maintain in the post-extraction site with a socket preservation technique. In particular, the presence of the implant/abutment junction at a supracrestal level allowed me to distance the microgap from the cortical bone, reducing peri-implant bone resorption and allowing better stability of the gingival tissues around the prosthetic crown. Furthermore, from the Cone Beam image taken about six months after surgery, the apposition of bone on the implant neck can be clearly shown, as proof of the osteoconductivity of the anodized UTM neck of the Prama implant.
I don’t think I could have achieved such results of biological and aesthetic integration with another type of implant, as Prama has allowed me to take the advantages of both a tissue level implant, with the supra-crestal prosthetic connection, and those of a bone level implant, allowing me to perform a two-steps surgery, that is important when the implant stability is not suitable for immediate loading.” 

Dr. Roberto Luongo
Implantology, post-extraction, soft tissues, immediate loading, cemented prosthesis, aesthetics, bone regeneration, convergence, osseointegration, CAD-CAM, UTM, post-extraction

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