Vedove F.

Vedove F.

Master Degree in Dentistry, post-lauream master in implantology and biomaterials at the University of Genoa and at the NYU. Active member of SICOI and of the AO Author of several scientific publications and co-author of books. Lecturer in Europe, USA and South America. Private practice in Bassano del Grappa (VI, Italy), where he is exclusively dedicated to oral surgery, implantology and implant prosthodontics.

NumeriUno, 20: 18-19, 2014
Implant rehabilitations in aesthetic areas always require the greatest care by clinicians, particularly in cases where a post-extraction implant technique is necessary, and even more so in case of immediate loading. In these cases, the preparation of the clinical case is of fundamental importance to allow as much pre-operative information as possible to be obtained, and so that the materials to be used can be studied. In the case described here, it was necessary to use a screwed-in implant that would allow an insertion torque of no less than 50 Ncm to be reached, and that at the same time would give us the possibility to vary the emergence point of the prosthetic profile. allowing us to perform vertical Platform Switching and giving the operator. The PRAMA implant used combines these main characteristics, and also adds surfaces with a high level of biological performance.
Clinical procedures were complicated by the need to perform guided bone regeneration in the vestibular dehiscence as well, requiring particularly accurate soft tissue management, in line with the indications provided in literature for aesthetic cases.
In addition, the temporary crown was supported in the initial phases by a small splint connected to nearby teeth with composite resins.

Date of procedure 28-02-2014
Data of definitive prosthetization 28-7-2014
Photo and check-up X-ray 13-5-2015

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