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Gaspari L., Manzini P.
Becatelli A., Biscaro L., Soattin M., Ferlin P.
The authors present their technique called “single model”, which involves immediate rehabilitation with a Toronto Bridge that rests on two central implants in axis and two distal implants angled at 30°. The protocol allows performing an immediate load procedure easily and with reduced session times.
Biscaro L., Becatelli A., Soattin M.
In this clinical case, the single-model technique allowed rehabilitating the patient with one surgery and a minimal number of sessions for finalising the screwed prosthesis, obtained with the CAD-CAM Echo protocol on Kohno implants.
Mazzella M., Prota V., Mazzella A.
Implantology now represents a valid alternative to traditional prosthesis with dental support, and is often the only alternative for rehabilitating a fixed prosthesis if there are not a sufficient number of natural posts.
Cavallari M., Burello V.
Today each one of us tends to interpret the concept of the “quality of life” as a sense of well-being, perceived on the basis of our own experiences and expectations in the social and cultural environment in which we live.
Minenna F., De Leo L.
In November 2009 a patient came to us who had previously been treated in March 2009 with positioning of implants in the lower arch. The male patient, aged 48 and a non-smoker, asked us if we could replace his old “mobile job”, a removable partial denture that he had been wearing for years, with a fixed prosthesis.